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United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was established in 1997 as an agency dedicated to addressing UN member states' struggles against illicit drugs, transnational crime, international terrorism, and political corruption, as well as promoting criminal justice reform. Part of the UN Sustainable Development Group in Vienna, the UNODC has been instrumental in creating global responses to issues that are often too widespread for individual states to tackle alone. Among its largest accomplishments include the UN Convention Against Corruption, a legally-binding document adopted by 189 parties in 2003, and the Commision on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, composed of 40 member states serving 3-year terms. Unfortunately, political corruption and organized crime have skyrocketed while action stalls, resulting in explosions of conflict within governments and bad actors. As delegates, you will be challenged to create fresh multilateral policies aimed at curbing these threats to global peace and security through debate, diplomacy, and deal making in order to pass a full-fledged resolution on the topics at hand!
About the Chair
Hello Delegates! My name is Jack Mediate and I’ll be your super awesome chair! I’m a junior studying Public Affairs and Political Science here at THE Ohio State University. I’m a head delegate for our traveling MUN team and have done GAs since I was in High School, and have met many cool people through conferences like OSUMUN. Outside of MUN I'm involved in CCWA and Italian Club, and love cooking and eating great food and watching some football. The UNODC is as fun as a GA can get, and I can’t wait to hear some debate on organized crime and corruption! If any of youse have questions feel free to email me at!
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