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A War of Thirst, Blood, and Oil: The Chaco War

The drought-riddled, sparsely populated Gran Chaco region was the last place anyone expected to be the center of another bloody South American conflict. As the nations of Bolivia and Paraguay find themselves in land disputes, a strong hint of oil deposits in the region only stoke the territorial claims both nations feel they are entitled to. The lucrative economic opportunity offered by the acquisition of this region provides hope to an economically unstable Paraguay. The only thing standing in its way is the richer, better-developed Bolivia more interested in its expansion to the Atlantic coast. As members of the Paraguayan war cabinet, delegates will be tasked with pushing back against escalating occupations by the Bolivian military and winning the Gran Chaco. As the overwhelming underdogs in this fight, delegates will have to navigate the harsh conditions of the region while preserving their economic viability and rising above their history of loss.
About the Crisis Director
Hello! My name is Shreya Banerjee and I’m a first-year microbiology and molecular genetics major here at OSU. MUN has been a huge part of my life since middle school–my favorite aspect being writing and running committees. Outside of MUN, you can find me watching too many movies, playing basketball, drawing, or replaying video games I’m emotionally attached to. I hope this committee allows you the chance to explore another part of world history that is often overlooked in MUN. South American history has a lot to offer and a whole host of fresh perspectives. With that being said, I’m very excited to see what insane crisis arcs all of you develop and what directions I can take this committee! I look forward to seeing all of you on the frontlines at OSUMUN!
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